"For the past 365 days, nothing has felt 'normal.' But one thing remains the same: we Mountain Lions are stronger together." — Chancellor Venkat Reddy


Dear members of the UCCS community,

We did it! 

In late February of last year, as we heard news of a novel coronavirus spreading through the United States, there was a brief time when things still felt normal. 

Students walked to class and studied outside of the UC. Faculty and staff drove to work and met colleagues face-to-face. In early March, we gathered as a campus in Berger Hall to officially launch our new 2030 Strategic Plan that so many have helped shape. We ate lunch at communal tables and laughed together.  

But on March 16, what felt like a distant threat – a novel coronavirus – suddenly felt real. Some of us stayed on campus to ensure critical services remained available. Others of us packed up our things, opened our computers and figured out how to live, learn, study and work remotely. 

On this one-year anniversary of the day UCCS moved to remote operations, I simply want to acknowledge the year we have shared, together. It has not been easy. But it has shown us the extraordinary strength and resilience of our community – and that our care and support for our students and our colleagues knows no bounds. 

The past year has not been easy, but I am proud of how each and every one of you stepped up despite the personal and professional challenges you might be facing to ensure that our students didn’t miss a beat on their way academic journey on their way to graduation.  

There are brighter days ahead. With vaccines rolling out nationwide, we can begin to plan for a fall semester that will feel fuller and richer. We know there will come a day when we can once again learn, work and laugh together. 

Whether you worked from home or continued to work on campus, I am grateful for each of you. Thank you for giving your time, talent and tireless effort to make a UCCS education possible for our students. 

For the past 365 days, nothing has felt “normal.” But one thing remains the same: we Mountain Lions are stronger together. 

Wishing you and your family’s health and safety and a brighter tomorrow,


Chancellor Venkat Reddy's Signature
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor
