Student Support Directory

Student Support Directory

As UCCS Chancellor, it is a top priority of mine to ensure all students on the UCCS campus are provided the resources they need to build successful futures.

A great deal of effort is made each day to improve these resources, as well as connect students to them, whether in-person or virtually.

Should you need additional support, you may reach out to our Dean of Students office.


Providing the specialized support you need

Students have access to five Excel Centers for Academic Excellence focused on: communication, languages, science, math, and writing. Each center provides tutoring and academic support. UCCS offers a variety of free tutoring and extra instruction for specific courses.

Excel Centers Website

Taking pride in seeing you thrive

From orientation through graduation, students have an assigned advisor who partners with them to successfully navigate college. Advisors assist students with degree requirements, exploration of educational goals, developing strategies for success, and connecting students to campus resources. Each year advisors have over 16,000 one-on-one meetings with students to make each student’s college journey a success.

Advising Website

Fueling your journey, all across campus

Career advising and resources are available throughout a student’s educational path at UCCS. Students undecided about a major can get help discovering exciting possibilities for study. Those considering a career change can find help exploring career areas and the jobs that will bring satisfaction. Students ready to find a job can receive assistance in creating a powerful resume and cover letter, and the Career Center also can assist with polishing interviewing skills.

Career Center Website

It’s our turn to serve you

We take great pride in providing transition assistance to military veterans and military-connected students including financial, social, and academic support through our Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs (OVMSA). OVMSA is housed in the McCord-Herbst Student Veteran Center, which serves as a place for students to study and socialize with other veterans, proudly providing transition assistance in the form of financial, social and academic support.

Military Programs & Support

Paving a path for your bright future

We facilitate the journey for students with disabilities toward becoming confident, self-advocating, and independent adults. We promote an equitable and inclusive experience by providing reasonable accommodations for students and advancing awareness and education within the campus community.

Disability Services Website

Wellness the way you want it

The UCCS Gallogly Recreation & Wellness Center offers health and mental health services to all actively enrolled students and medical insurance is not required to be seen for an appointment. With the help of our professional staff and student volunteers, we coordinate a number of inclusive and socially-aware cross-departmental events, workshops, presentations, and one-on-one conversations on a variety of topics, including: mental health, stress management, exercise and active living, body image, eating disorders, sleep, sexual health, nutrition, and fostering healthy relationships with yourself and others. The Wellness Center is open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Wellness Center Website

The mission of the Kraemer Family Library is to serve you with respect and to anticipate, understand and respond to your information needs. The success of each student is paramount to the Library's services and collections. Resources at the Library are nearly limitless, with programs focused on research and workshops, study options such as quiet areas, group rooms and more, as well as programs focused on open dialogue about equity, diversity and inclusion.

KFL Website

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy.

Office of Institutional Equity Website

Earning a college degree doesn't have to mean graduating with a mountain of debt. It's our mission to assist you in finding a financial aid package that makes it possible to obtain a degree. Each year, UCCS awards more than $100 million in financial aid to students, and we'll do our best to walk you through exploring aid options, applying for scholarships and understanding your total college bill.

Financial Aid Website

The Dean of Students Office has three primary functions: to administer the Student Code of Conduct, to support students in crisis through the Student Response Team, and to promote student growth and development through educational and prevention programming.

DOS Website

Campus Police protect and serve the UCCS Campus while preserving the safety of students.

UCCS Police Website