Celebrating the Class of 2020


"What each of you has attained is a reflection of your total, uncompromising resolve to get to your destination. Thus, I say to our graduates, stand tall and be proud. This is your time and your moment." — Chancellor Venkat Reddy


Dear students,

You made it!

I’ve spent nearly 29 years here at UCCS, and this semester stands out – for many reasons. It has been full of challenges, with a few silver linings. It has required tough decisions. It moved at lightning speed, but it also brought us together.

And even though the virtual ceremony we will hold this Friday is different than our traditional celebration at the Broadmoor World Arena, I can still sense the excitement that always accompanies this week.

Commencement is our time to celebrate. For students, it marks the end of deadlines, study sessions and final exams – at least for a little while. For graduating seniors, it marks the end of one journey and the start of another. It is a chance to celebrate all that they achieved. And when our graduates have taken their photos, flipped their tassels and tossed their mortar boards (which those registered for Commencement should have already received in the mail) it’s a chance for our entire Mountain Lion family to take a deep exhale. It is, without a doubt, my favorite time of year.

To the Class of 2020, we are all celebrating you and your very special class of graduates. You showed determination and grit in order to make it to the finish line of this semester. This is true of all our graduates over the years – but graduating during a global pandemic takes a different sort of commitment.

By the very act of showing up, putting in the work, and graduating, the Class of 2020 showed that they won’t let circumstance stand in the way of their dreams. They are bringing their skills, talents and perseverance to a world that needs them more than ever. I know I speak for the entire campus when I say, simply: I am so proud of you.

With immense pride and enthusiastic acknowledgement of your scholarly achievement, I say to each member of the Class of 2020: congratulations on a job well done! What each of you has attained is a reflection of your total, uncompromising resolve to get to your destination. Thus, I say to our graduates, stand tall and be proud. This is your time and your moment. The entire faculty and staff body at UCCS applauds your academic achievement.

Whether you are graduating or returning to UCCS to continue your education, I hope you will join the Class of 2020 to celebrate their virtual Commencement ceremony tomorrow, Friday, at 1 p.m. through commencement.uccs.edu.

And to each of you, whether you are graduating or returning: Congratulations on a job very well done. When the celebrations are over, I hope you will join me in taking a deep exhale. You earned it.


Chancellor Venkat Reddy's Signature
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor