Dear members of the UCCS community,

It’s with both sadness and excitement that I announce that Chuck Litchfield, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, has been named the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Associate Dean for Stanford University’s new school focused on climate change and sustainability.

Chuck’s last day at UCCS will be April 15. I am excited for Chuck and his family as they make this transition back to Stanford, where he worked from 2013 until he joined the Mountain Lion Family in 2018. I am also sad that our campus community is losing a strong leader. 
During his time at UCCS, Chuck has made deep and long-lasting contributions to our campus. He worked tirelessly on the financial strength core strategy of the 2030 Strategic Plan and the implementation of the incentive-based budget model. During the past two years, Chuck has also served as the incident commander for our COVID-19 response, leading our operational efforts through the ups and downs of the pandemic.  

Many look up to Chuck as a pillar of campus leadership, and he is gifted with an ability to connect with and be of service to those he leads. In his four years as Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, he has been committed to building relationships with people across all parts of our campus. I know we will all miss his collaboration and friendship. 
We are working on a transition plan and will share more information as it becomes available.

Please join me in wishing Chuck all the best in his new role at Stanford. 



Chancellor Venkat Reddy's Signature
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor

