"We are all engaged in the work of  building an inclusive campus where every member of our campus community can thrive." — Chancellor Venkat Reddy


Dear members of the UCCS community,

Our work to strengthen a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion at UCCS takes many forms. It requires commitment, thoughtfulness, patience and compassion. Most importantly, it depends on the contributions of all. We are all engaged in the work of  building an inclusive campus where every member of our campus community can thrive. 

Because we each have a part to play in these efforts, I have assembled a cross-campus Equity, Diversity and Inclusion task force that includes faculty, staff and students, to be chaired by Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding. 

The task force is charged with the following:  

  • assessing immediate campus EDI needs and concerns; 
  • advising the Chancellor and the Cabinet on allocating funds provided by CU President Mark Kennedy for EDI efforts; and 
  • offering recommendations on the timeline and structure of the national search for the next EDI leader at UCCS. 

The task force members include: 

Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding
, interim associate vice chancellor of equity, diversity and inclusion 

Dean Lynn Vidler
, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences 
Dr. Juan Gallego Toledo, instructor of marketing 
Dr. Monica Yoo, associate professor of teaching and learning 
Dr. Heather Song, associate professor of electrical engineering 
Dr. Connie Staley, professor of communication 

Alex Baker
, case manager, Office of the Dean of Students 
Allison “Alli” Quintana, grounds and nursery, Physical Plant Department 
Rose Walker, talent acquisition and compensation manager, Human Resources 

Students and Alumni 
Miles Jones
, communications major; senator of multicultural affairs for the Student Government Association 
Jerome Young MPA ’20, military and veteran outreach coordinator, Office of Veteran and Military Affairs

We are all accountable for building an environment where our whole lives – not just our roles, positions or contributions to campus – are honored and respected. This work can feel as small as offering a listening ear to our peers and colleagues, and as large as creating deep institutional change. I am grateful for the commitment of the members of the task force to help guide UCCS towards positive progress in all these areas and more. 



Chancellor Venkat Reddy's Signature
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor
