Dear members of the UCCS community,

We are beginning to approach the holiday season, when many of us have plans for travel and family gatherings. As the campus community begins to make plans for Thanksgiving, I have been asked if we will be going remote after Thanksgiving as we did last fall. We are not planning on going remote after Thanksgiving break, and we will maintain in-person learning through the end of the fall semester.

In addition, I’d like to announce some good news related to Commencement. We are thrilled to be planning for an in-person summer and fall 2021 Commencement ceremony, scheduled for Dec. 17 at the Broadmoor World Arena. The families and friends of our graduates are also invited to join us as guests. We will provide more information in the near future.  

As I noted in my recent State of the Campus address, no one can predict what might happen with regards to the current COVID variants. What we can do is stay vigilant. Please remain focused on following campus health and safety guidelines. It’s these efforts that have helped us keep the spread of the virus to a minimum across campus.  

We remain hopeful that cases will continue to decline during the next few months, and we will continue to learn in-person and enjoy this fall’s Commencement celebration together. As long as we continue to work together, there will be many bright days ahead. Let’s be there for each other and remain Mountain Lion Strong. 



Chancellor Venkat Reddy's Signature
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor

