Dear UCCS faculty and staff,

We have weathered extraordinary times together as a UCCS community. Together, we have guided the university through some of the most challenging years in our history. And together, we are working to build an even stronger UCCS. 

As I shared in last week’s State of the Campus address, we are celebrating the commitment and dedication of our faculty and staff with three special announcements. 

First, we have worked with the University of Colorado Board of Regents and our President to authorize a $600 commitment bonus for all regular, non-temporary faculty and staff hired on or before Sep. 1, 2022. Eligible faculty and staff will see the payment reflected on their upcoming October 2022 paychecks. This one-time bonus reflects deep gratitude for all you have given to the university and our students, and all of the ways that you support our shared success. In addition to a one-time bonus, this funding has also provided free faculty and staff parking for the 2022–23 academic year. 

Second, we have worked with the Regents and the President to authorize a three-percent, base-building merit pool for eligible faculty and university staff, which will go into effect in January 2023. Eligible faculty and university staff are those who were hired on or before Sep. 1, 2022. Classified staff members are not eligible for this raise, as they received a three-percent compensation increase in July. 

Finally, I have added an extra day of administrative leave for all UCCS employees to enjoy during the upcoming winter break. UCCS faculty and staff will be able to enjoy paid leave from Monday, Dec. 26, 2022 to Monday, Jan. 2, 2023 without using vacation time. I hope this extended winter break will give us all a chance to relax and recharge with family and friends. Please also remember to use your Juneteenth personal observance day before Dec. 31, 2022, if you have not already done so. 

It would be impossible to fully express how grateful I am to each and every individual who makes up our Mountain Lion community. Thank you for giving your time, talent and tireless effort to make a UCCS experience possible for our students. We would not be us without you, and we are better because you are here. 



Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor

