Welcome Back From Spring Break
"You are adjusting to an enormous and unpredictable moment in history. And you are doing great."— Chancellor Venkat Reddy
Dear students,
Welcome back from Spring Break!
I know many of you didn’t expect to spend the remainder of the semester learning remotely, and it goes without saying that campus does not feel the same without you. As we all adjust to the “new normal,” know that your presence at UCCS is missed. However, I’m sure you recognize that your safety is our highest priority.
Our quick shift to remote learning has asked you to be flexible, resilient and creative. You are spending long hours in front of a computer screen as you continue to strive for academic success. At the same time, I know you are all working hard to create structures to support your health and wellbeing. I am so proud of each of you as you work to stay productive and purposeful.
But I want you to remember to go easy on yourselves. Your schoolwork is as important as ever – but forgive yourself if you haven’t been as productive as you hoped. Exercising is good – but forgive yourself if you haven’t made as much time for it as you wanted to. You are adjusting to an enormous and unpredictable moment in history. You are doing great.
So, create stability and structure where you can. Eat nourishing foods. Spend time in the fresh air (while maintaining good social distance, of course). Keep doing your homework. And know that everyone at UCCS is working tirelessly to support you and your success.
Here are some resources I would like to highlight for you that you can use during this transition.
Stay Healthy
- The Wellness Center is open for telehealth appointments, and you can find support for Health and Mental Health Services.
- Campus Recreation is offering guides to outdoor fitness, workout videos created by campus fitness instructors, meditation classes and more. Find resources to move your body.
Get Academic Help
- All five of our Excel Centers are offering online services so that you can find tutoring help online. You can also access business tutoring.
- Research assistance is being provided remotely. You may also schedule a virtual consultation with your subject librarian.
- You can get resume, internship and career services help through the Career Center.
- Disability Services is offering remote services. Contact the office for support.
Find Other Sources of Support
- If you are experiencing hardship, contact the Dean of Students office for help.
- Financial Aid is handling questions and can be contacted via email.
It may not be the same without you, but you still have a community here at UCCS that is ready to support you.
We are facing a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time on things that matter, whether it is writing a paper or calling a friend. Reach out. And remember that the entire Mountain Lion family is here for you and cheering for your success.
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor