Update on Provost Search
Dear members of the UCCS community,
As a follow-up to my update on the Provost search earlier this month, I asked the search committee to reconvene and review all of the candidates again. After a thorough review, no additional candidates were recommended to move forward. Therefore, we have made the decision to extend the search process into the fall semester.
As I shared, we are committed to finding the right individual for the job and will not rush this important process. I have requested a team of three to help in bringing forward recommendations for an interim Provost position.
Provost Tom Christensen will join the co-chairs of the search committee, Don Rabern, dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and Mary Ann Cutter, professor of philosophy, to work together to recommend potential interim provost candidates. An announcement this week will detail the process of applying for the interim position.
I’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress we make towards finding our next Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Venkat Reddy
UCCS Chancellor